Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Emma's 6 Months

Emma is 6 months now. She is 27in. and 20lbs.She can sit up by herself. She said her First word..."Ma Ma" and 2 days later she said "Da Da". She is also pulling herself up in her crib! He had to lower her crib. We are getting ready for Halloween.....

Happy Birthday Daddy 10.10.2012

 Its Daddy's 31st Birthday... Mommy surprised him and took him out to TEXAS DE BRAZIL!!!  It was a great night. Emma got Daddy his first Birthday card!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Emma's many funny faces

Mommy and I playing

Look at my blue eyes! Mommy and I just playing on mommy and daddy's bed.

I love to play with my toys

Eating cereal

Mommy makes eating cereal fun! I live to be outside and look at all the trees, so mommy and I went on the porch to eat my cereal. I eat oatmeal, rice, and wheat cereal, my fav. is oatmeal.

Love playing piano!!

I can play piano so well. Grandmother Dray would be so proud of me. I even have the long piano fingers!

Me and Mommy

Mom comes home every day for lunch and feeds me and plays with me. Sometimes we do photo shoots!

Emma's 5 months

Miss Emma is getting so BIG!!! She is 18lbs. 26 in. long. She sits up all by her self.

Friday, September 21, 2012

First Family Vaca! Treasure Island ,Fl

We has sooooo much fun with the Muarry Family! We plan to do do this trip every year. Emma LOVES the water. She loves when it splashes her in the face, she is amazed by the sand. Daddy loved to teach her how to swim.